
Monday 25 November 2013

What Are Ulcers in Mouth? What Causes Ulcers in Mouth?

What Are Ulcers in Mouth?

A mouth ulcer in mouth is irritation of the mouth and the damage that is swelling, red spots or white spots in your mouth, sometimes white - red, ulcers in the mouth, lips, or tongue. Although there are many types of mouth ulcers, but the most common is arthritis aphthous, herpetic ulcers, leukoplakia and oral candidiasis due to Candida is the cause.

If your mouth is sore, you're not alone, as many as one third of the world population and the disease being disturbed. Ulcers in the mouth causing irritation and damage, the damage caused by Ulcers in mouth can also cause pain, making lips become unsightly and can interfere with eating and speaking. Especially when you eat the food hot or sour, spicy.

In most cases encountered in mouth Ulcers, Ulcers in mouth is harmless to health issues it is becoming more interested in the aesthetic elements both lips. The spots caused by Ulcers in mouth can heal, and Ulcers in mouth will disappear within one or a few days, you should not interfere with any medical treatment. Aphthous ulcers are recurring ulcers of unknown etiology is the most common, it is statistically accounted for 20% of the world population facing ulcers in mouth at least once in their lifetime.

Ulcers in Mouth When do You Need to See a Doctor?

You should visit your dentist if you have any sores in the mouth that lasts more than a week. Normally the dentist will do a biopsy (tissue sample on the Ulcers in mouth, to give away to check) the biopsy is possible to determine the exact cause of ulcers in mouth and screening a number of dangerous diseases such as cancer and HIV.

You should see your doctor if ulcers in the mouth make you feel constant pain, you were attacked Ulcers in mouth, making affect your work and your sleep. Or Ulcers in the mouth getting bigger very  quickly.

What Do Ulcers In Mouth Look Like?

Ulcers in mouth is not difficult to recognize when they occur, the damage is the same as the same damage when you accidentally rolled on the cheek. Below we provide a few pictures of Ulcers in mouth.

Photo of Ulcers in mouth

A picture of Ulcers in mouth

How Many Main Types of Aphthous Ulcers?

There are three main types of aphthous ulcers.

- Minor Ulcers, Ulcers in the mouth of this kind after disappeared, fortunately they do not leave scars on the skin, they are also easy to heal and return your skin to appear as if they were not. Ulcers in the mouth of the group usually heal without treatment, should not interfere with any medical treatment. Minor Ulcers are most common, they accounted for 3 part 4 of all cases encountered Ulcers in the mouth.

- Major Ulcers are 1cm or larger, they appear clear and distinct color to the surrounding skin, major Ulcers have a clear border, and they are slightly higher than other skin areas, major time Ulcers in mouth existence in may last from 2 weeks to a few months. Typically major Ulcers in mouth appear singly, or two or three Ulcers in mouth at the same time. The major Ulcers in the mouth can cause annoyance and discomfort to the patient, they can be very painful and makes eating difficult, time heals more slowly and may leave scars on skin when they disappear. Approximately 10 percent of ulcers are major ulcers.

- Herpetiform Ulcers are many small wounds can be very painful - more painful when they punctures are connected together to form a larger Ulcers in mouth. Time for Ulcers in the mouth can disappear 1 week to 2 months is a long time for anyone faced with it. Despite their name, they do not seem to have anything related to the herpes virus. Herpetiform Ulcers are not common.

Aphthous ulcer is not contagious disease, so they can not be spread by way of emotional intimacy like kissing or having sex, using common toothbrushes are not encouraged, but it is not the transmission of aphthous Ulcers in mouth.

There are also other reasons cause similar problems - infections such as bacterial or viral infection, which can spread the infection to others.

Symptoms of Ulcers in Mouth

Symptoms of Ulcers in mouth depends on many different causes, but they share one or more external manifestation of our listed below:

- One or more of the different regions have distinct borders in the mouth, they cause pain or sores inside the mouth.

- The skin around your swollen sores

- Tenderness

- You have difficulty eating, especially foods hot or spicy food or sour. You may also feel pain when your oral hygiene with toothbrushes.

- Difficulty chewing food well is a sign of Ulcers in mouth.

- Loss of appetite.

Most Ulcers in the mouth very easily detected, because they are:

- Round or oval

- White in color

- Inflammation around the edges.

What Causes Ulcers in Mouth From? and Why Do You Get Mouth Ulcers?

You can hear the cause of Ulcers in mouth as is common: Ulcers in mouth because of braces, Ulcers in mouth during pregnancy, Ulcers in mouth due to smoking, or substance use nerve stimulation as wine, beer. Vau real cause Ulcers in the mouth that this is what is formed? This is the cause of Ulcers in mouth became popular and a high percentage of the community.

- Accidental biting of the cheek

- Injury when using your toothbrush

- Constantly rubbing against the teeth or sharp deviation

- Constantly rubbing against your dentures or braces

- Poor oral hygiene

- Burns from hot food

- Irritated from mouthwash

- Oral Yeast Infection

- Infection with herpes simplex virus

- Reaction to some drugs used to treat other diseases

- Autoimmune diseases (eg, lichen Planus)

- Syphilitic

- A variety of other infections such as hand-foot syndrome-mouth

- A number of diseases including tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease

- Lip cancer.

The cause of aphthous ulcers is yet to be determined

Around one in five adults with bouts of aphthous ulcers, These are recurrent oral ulcers, but they have not determined the cause to be anywhere from anywhere. Ulcers in mouth lesions in this group often appeared on the stage body tension, stress or menstruation in women.

This led some scientists to believe that aphthous ulcers are the result of a reaction of the immune system.